Hillsborough Radiology is committed to ensuring the safety and health of our employees, patients and visitors.

We continue to assess the situation and will provide updates on a regular basis.

Hours of Operation

Please contact Hillsborough Radiology at 908/874-7600 for current hours of operation.

Patient Information for Appointments:

We understand you may have concerns and we want to let you know what to expect at your appointment, much of which is recommended by the American College of Radiology.

Wait in Your Car, a Safer Way to Check-In
On the date of your exam, you will receive a text message 90 minutes prior to your exam with a check in link. When you get to the parking lot of the office, please stay in your car, click on the check in link, answer a few questions and you will be checked in. You will be contacted when your technologist is ready to start your exam.

Upon Entering our Facility
At that time, you will come to the office, have your temperature taken and be asked verbal screening questions. Once you pass the screening, you will be taken for your exam.

  • You should arrive to the office with a face mask. All employees will be wearing personal protective equipment as well.
  • Practice social distancing where possible of six feet apart.
  • We have installed sneeze guards at all our front desks for your safety.

A Clean, Safe Environment
All exam rooms will be cleaned before and after your appointment. We have doubled the exam time to ensure that our staff has adequate time to clean the room and all equipment prior to each appointment.

As a licensed healthcare provider, we strictly adhere to the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control, the American College of Radiology, the New Jersey Department of Health and other agencies in our quest to maintain a safe and patient sensitive environment. We have well-established cleaning protocols already in place, including a professional cleaning company for after business hours, as well as dedicated cleaning personnel during the day in all locations.

Before and After Your Appointment Practice Hand Hygiene
Wash and dry your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol which is conveniently located at our facility.

Our Commitment to Patient Safety

  • Hillsborough Radiology will not perform procedures on patients with new onset COVID-19.
  • All patients coming to our offices should self-screen at home prior
    to arriving.
  • Any patient with the following symptoms will not be seen in our outpatient offices:
    • New cough
    • New shortness of breath
    • Fever over 100.0
    • Sore throat
    • New loss of taste or smell
  • All patients will also be verbally screened upon arrival to our offices. If considered high risk, the patient will not be imaged in our office.
  • We are working with our referring clinicians to direct the imaging of high risk individuals to facilities that are appropriately equipped to handle such patients, such as hospitals.
  • Patients only are permitted, unless a the patient is a child, or physical assistance is needed.
  • All employees and visitors to our offices will undergo a COVID-19 screening via questionnaire.
  • Anyone who fails the verbal screening will not be allowed entry to our offices.

We encourage all patients and visitors to take these everyday preventive actions:

  • Avoid contact with those who are sick
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Stay home when you are sick
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using cleaning sprays or wipes
  • Use alcohol based hand sanitizer
  • Frequently wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Practice social distancing

We follow the Center for Disease Control infection control guidelines to ensure we are providing the highest quality of care while protecting against the disease.

We have well-established cleaning protocols already in place, including a professional cleaning company for after business hours, as well as dedicated cleaning personnel during the day in all locations.

  • Sneeze guards are installed at all reception desks.
  • Radiologists and staff wipe down their work areas at the beginning, as needed throughout the day and at the end of their work days including their phones, computers, equipment, and surfaces.
  • Alcohol-based hand sanitizer dispensers are installed in all Imaging offices.
  • We have an adequate supply of germicidal wipes (such as Sani-Cloths).
  • We will provide personal protective equipment and other infection prevention and control supplies (e.g., hand hygiene supplies) to be used for both healthcare personnel protection and source control for any infected patients (e.g., facemask on the patient).
  • We have ensured our cleaning companies are following guidelines and using cleaning products recommended by the CDC.
  • We have specific persons designated within each of our locations that are responsible for communication with public health officials and dissemination of information to other healthcare personnel at the facility.

For more information:
